
Our site exists to help those who are in covenant with the Jewish Messiah, HaMoshiach, that is Jesus, to walk humbly with the Lord Almighty by abiding in His Son as He instructs His disciples in John 15: Abide in Me and I in you.

We open the Bible to show us the current place we are in the Apocalypse, that is the Book of Revelation the 66th book of the Bible.

We would love for all who are outside of the New Covenant that Christ established, to come to know Christ and to receive Christ into their heart. John 1, to those who receive Him Jesus gives the right to be the heirs of God.

Shalom v’mevorach chaverim. We are messianic. We come from the revived House of Yisrael as scattered seeds to all the nations. We welcome both our brothers and sister from Yisrael and also Gentile believers from the nations to the site, you are also our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Chuck D’Simon



Eashoa, the Word
